Career outcomes in vulnerability

Carrer outcomes

Both public and private actors helped design the EUR LIVE program to make sure its educational curriculum aligns as much as possible with the job market to pursue a career in national and international health and public health agencies as well as in private companies.

At the end of the additional EUR LIVE training, the students will get knowledge in public health, research, and leadership within vulnerability issues, and be able to:

Identify the current challenge of vulnerability and its associated issues in a transdisciplinary approach.

Integrate vulnerability into the practice of care in human or animal health

Recognize individual, societal, or collective risk situations for the improvement of public health.

Integrate the notion of vulnerability into their field of specialization through additional courses (SERIES "LIVE") dedicated to vulnerability.

Participate in cutting-edge research in the field of vulnerability and at the interface of health, economics and life sciences and the environment.

Working as a team in multicultural environments.

Design and develop a transdisciplinary research project.

Identify issues related with global health improvement beyond national boundaries; the reduction of inequalities by bringing together the study of emergency medicine, disaster management, community health, health law, among others.

Employment sectors

Levels of responsibility targeted: manager, researcher, project manager.

Recruitment in public health, food safety or environmental agencies, consulting firms.

In public institutions (universities, environmental and energy management agencies – ADEME, Health Insurance, MGEN, Ministry of Solidarity and Health, etc.)

In the private sector, international organizations or NGOs; in governmental or private research structures focused on decision-making regarding vulnerability such as the French Development Agency – AFD or the Red Cross.

Recruitment in private companies related to health security.

Recruitment in institutions working on public or private epidemiological surveys (polling institute such as INSEE).

Recruitment as a researcher (INSERM, CNRS and other EPST) and as a teacher/researcher.

Recruitment in communication agencies
