List of SERIES

Disability and Health

This SERIE is based on the most recent advances in research, particularly in the human sciences, in the field of disability, management, social psychology, and technology, as well as on the experiential knowledge of the socio-economic world and institutional players in the field of disability. A multi-professional team of experts is involved in the SERIE (scholars, disability mission of private companies or public bodies, actors specializing in integration and employee retention, institutional actors, specialists in care, support, rehabilitation, associations of disabled people, etc.) provides essential knowledge and skills to build an ever more inclusive society.

In this SERIES, students will develop general knowledge about disability from disability typologies, classifications (International Classification of Disability; International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health), and key concepts related to individual or social. They will acquire a solid knowledge to analyse the needs of people with disabilities, the methodology, the approaches, the tools and the principles of action relevant to the integration and retention of people in employment. Students will thus be able to understand the obstacles and facilitating elements of the integration of people with disabilities.

Students will therefore develop knowledge and know-how but also, life skills by questioning the postures and organizational changes arising from the essential concepts of the ethics of care, the enabling environment, the power to act, the model ergology. Finally, they will discover the importance of organise internal and external actors in a company to better support people with disabilities towards employment and secure career paths.
