List of SERIES

Health Economics

By choosing this SERIES, students will be aware of the concept of health economics. Health is an essential component of individual and collective well-being and of what is called Human Capital, which includes health, education and which values ​​the intrinsic skills of individuals. Health economics is a branch of economics, but also a branch of public health that aims to understand the interactions between the various players in the health system, whether patients, doctors, hospitals, pharmaceutical companies and understand how the health system is organized, how it could be improved, what is its efficiency, what are its consequences in terms of inequalities. 

Thomas Barnay characterizes the challenge that the economy can bring.« The notion of vulnerability is obviously at the heart of the health system, how to protect them, by which insurance, assistance device. How Covid 19 came to make more vulnerable those who were already vulnerable, but also created new forms of vulnerability. Economics will bring new analytical, theoretical and empirical tools to better guide public health decisions. » 


Yann Videau describes the angle of attack. « Our objective is to see how these tools make it possible to analyze the facts of vulnerability on the health and trajectories of individuals. We present methods that allow to evaluate the impact of this vulnerability and also the usefulness of modeling phenomena, which allow us to analyze the different subjects that are concerned with vulnerability, and common to different disciplines within the EUR-LIVE. Especially on aeging and disability. There are several disciplines on these themes. Our angle of attack is to show how economics can allow us to study objects of study. » 





