List of SERIES

Infectious diseases and microbial agents

Our students will discover infectious diseases and microbial agents, in order to develop modules specific to infectious diseases and also deepen research themes around these diseases. We can see innovation in different ways in our discipline, both in the diagnosis of infectious diseases. 

All that is innovation, artificial intelligence, it helps us and it will be more and more frequent in the diagnosis of all infectious diseases. In therapy too, since we are always looking for new antibiotics, new anti-infectives. 

Of course you have to go for innovation! Innovation in research with new themes, new forms of analysis of infectious agents between them or susceptibility to infectious by genetic analysis or genomes of both humans and infectious agents. 

Françoise Botterel specifies the broad scope of these studies.“EUR-LIVE makes it possible to work on different programs, not only in infectious diseases but also in health economics, or everything related to SHS which can in one way or another intervene with infectious diseases, whether in France or abroad.” 
