Throwback of the Winter School 2023 [December 19, 2023]: Ageing issues - from a biomedical model to a social perspective.

Throwback of the Winter School 2023 [December 19, 2023]: Ageing issues - from a biomedical model to a social perspective.

Past seminars and events

Published on 8 janv. 2024

Throwback of the Winter School 2023

The challenges of aging are increasingly impacting our society. With an aging global population, it is imperative to understand the broader dimensions of this global fact.

Placed under the topic 'Aging issues: from the biomedical model to a social perspective', the EUR LIVE Winter School brought together outstanding speakers, eminent researchers, and experts in the field. Throughout the day, the discussions focused on medical research and social considerations, providing a comprehensive overview of the challenges associated with aging.

Event Highlights:

9:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.: The morning session highlighted the underrepresentation of older adults in biomedical research, stressing the urgency of including this population in clinical trials and studies. We thank Capucine Baldini (Head of the patient unit Drug Development Department, DITEP), Charline Jean (Data scientist and PhD student in Public Health), Léa Hoisnard (CCA-AHU FHU TRUE Innovative therapy for immune disorders, Henri Mondor Hospital), Pr. Joël Menard and Florence Canouï-Poitrine (PU-PH, Deputy Director, Clinical Epidemiology and Aging Team, IMRB - UPEC/Inserm U955), for their knowledgeable contributions.

Winter School morning session

11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.: The Keynote reading by Emmanuelle Cambois, research director at INED, explored the links between population aging and public health problems.

Conference by Emmanuelle Cambois

2:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.: Thomas Barnay, Visiting Professor, Department of Economics, Northeastern University, Boston, MA, United States; Sandrine Juin, Lecturer in Economic Sciences (UPEC); Julien Mousquès, Teacher-Researcher, EHESP - Director of Research, IRDES, discussed around a round table the complex challenges that the healthcare system must face due to aging, opening the way to innovative solutions.

Winter School round table

4:00 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.: The workshop in French led by Marie Laurent, scientific and educational manager of  the Campus des métiers et des qualifications “santé, autonomie, bien vieillir”, addressed the training of health professionals, emphasizing the importance of preparing the actors of this sector to respond to the specific challenges of aging.

Workshop presented by Marie Laurent

Update 31 oct. 2023
