Welcome to the first DU promo of EUR LIVE

Welcome to the first DU promo of EUR LIVE

Past seminars and events

Published on 18 mars 2024

Welcome to the first DU promo of EUR LIVE

On February 29, the EUR LIVE warmly welcomed the first class of 'LIVE' University Diploma students!

The event was held at the Maison de l'Innovation and of Student Entrepreneurship (MIEE) of UPEC, with the participation of Pr. Geneviève Derumeaux, the scientific director of EUR LIVE, Dr. Oliver Bischof, head of the SERIE Aging, and the operational team. During the event, the students were given academic, pedagogical, and technical advice to help them succeed in their training.

With the participation of Pr. Geneviève Derumeaux, scientific director of EUR LIVE, and Dr. Oliver Bischof, head of the SERIE Aging, and the operational team, this privileged moment of exchange was held at the Maison de l'Innovation and of Student Entrepreneurship (MIEE) of UPEC. Students could benefit from all the academic, pedagogical, and technical advice to succeed in the training.








We are thrilled to have welcomed our students and to provide them with support throughout their training!

First class DU EUR LIVE / © Photo by Ilies Malki

Welcome to : 

  • Djamila HALEM, student in Biotechnologies and innovative therapies (UPEC), M1 level 
  • Lilia ZEGHDOUDI, student in Biotechnologies and innovative therapies (UPEC), M1 level
  • Clarisse DELCROS, student in Biological Engineering at the CNAM (laureate of M2 EUR LIVE internship grant). 
  • Noak TERRIAT, student in Health Economics (UPEC), M1 level
  • Malo COSTES, doctoral student Sciences, Engineering and Environment (SIE) doctoral school (UPEC), laureate of the EUR LIVE doctoral grant.

This is a significant milestone for EUR LIVE. We appreciate your participation!

About the training: 

The University Research School (EUR) 'LIVE' is a strategic project of the University of Paris-Est Créteil (UPEC). The school focuses on health vulnerability, which is linked to multiple aspects such as health, environmental, social, economic, political and cultural factors. The program offers transdisciplinary research training from master's to doctoral level, combining approaches in health, biology, epidemiology, economics and environmental sciences, to address vulnerability in all its facets.

Focus on the SERIES:

  • The AGING SERIES leverages the findings of scientific studies on model organisms and cells, which have revealed mechanisms, trends, and molecules contributing to the aging process and age-related diseases. This SERIES also covers new technologies that have revolutionized scientific research in general and aging in particular. Pedagogically, the SERIES consists of eight modules delivered remotely via the EPREL platform. The program adopts an innovative approach with interactive pedagogical tools.
  • The Epidemiology SERIES,  is multidisciplinary, requiring knowledge in Medicine, policy, social and environmental data, supplemented with a broad expertise in statistics and mathematics. This SERIES aims to depart from ‘traditional’ training by offering alternative methods to assess multidomain health issues, such as ‘Vulnerability’, a matter not only biological but linked to other aspects of individual well-being.

Both SERIES consist of eight modules delivered remotely via the UPEC's moodle platform. The contents of these 2 SERIES have been designed by researchers using innovative pedagogical tools facilitating interactivity such as video-based lectures,  discussion forums, virtual classrooms, and more.

Update 31 oct. 2023
