Assistant Professor at the University of Paris Est Creteil

Karine Gros

Karine Gros

Associate Professor (HDR) Human and Social Sciences - Life Sciences Disability and Employment at the University of Paris Est Créteil. Karine Gros is in charge of the Disability Master Plan at the University and heads the "Disability, Employment and Health at Work" Chair.

She is responsible for the research project on the transformation of vocational training CookiNUM, winner of the DEFFINUM call for projects.

She heads the University Diploma (DU) "Referent for disability, private sector, public functions, associative sector" and is currently working on the opening of the next DU "Referent for Accompanied Employment."

She was appointed Qualified Person to the National Advisory Council for People with Disabilities (CNCPH) in 2020, and to the Commission for the Integration of People with Disabilities (CIPH) of the city of Créteil.

On July 14, 2022, she was appointed by the Grand Chancellor to the rank of Chevalier in the National Order of the Legion of Honor for all of her work in the field of disability and employment.



Publications of Karine Gros

Handicap, Vieillissement, Indépendance, Technologies, dir. Isis Truck, Karine Gros, Jaime Lopez-Krahe, IFRATH Éditeur (2015) ISBN 978-2-9536899-5-2

Emploi et Handicap : de la culture de la Responsabilité Sociétale des Entreprises à l’émergence de nouvelles formes de travail, dir. Karine Gros et Gérard Lefranc, (2019). ISBN 978-2-85086-329-5

Professionnaliser le référent handicap : connaissances, compétences, savoir-être et savoir-faire, Karine Gros, Editions Législatives, Dalloz (2019) ISBN 978-2-85086-408-7

100 questions-réponses pour l’emploi des personnes handicapées ? Editions Législatives, Dalloz (2020).  ISBN 978-2-85086-423-0

Autisme : Comprendre pour mieux accompagner, Editions Législatives, Dalloz (2021). ISBN 978-2-85086-465-0

Handicap, Vieillissement, Autonomie, Insertion, Technologies, dir. Karine Gros, G. Uzan, Y. Morere, IFRATH Éditeur (2021) ISBN 978-2-9571218-1-6



SERIE of Karine Gros

Disability and Health
Disability and Health

The Handicap SERIE combines transdisciplinary know-how essentially because it is provided by a multi-professional team of experts.

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