Professor in Geography at the University of Paris Est Créteil Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanity

Myriam Baron

Myriam Baron

Myriam Baron is a professor of geography at the Université Paris Est Créteil and a member of the research team Lab'Urba. One of her research interests focuses on the care trajectories of African women with breast cancer and how to list them. She also works on the health status of students, their practices and perceptions during the health crisis of 2020, and its consequences on their training trajectories. In addition, she continues to conduct research on characteristics of the French university system, the dynamics that have passed through it over the past 60 years, students’ mobilities, and their relationships to territories.

Myriam Baron is also head of the Master in Territories, Cities and Health, awarded in 2016 by the Ministry of Higher Education and Research, with the first prize for educational innovation.

Publications of Myriam Baron

Myriam BaronSophie de RuffrayLes thèses de géographie au CNU : structurations disciplinaires et hiérarchies universitaires
Annales de géographie, Armand Colin, 2021, N° 741 (5), pp.104-128. ⟨10.3917/ag.741.0104⟩

Myriam BaronComprendre le recours aux soins des familles sans logement en île-de-france
Espaces et sociétés (Paris, France), Erès, 2020 

Léa ProstBenjamin LysaniukMyriam BaronRéaménagement urbain, maladies industrielles et mémoires : l’usine d’amiante d’Aulnay-sous-Bois (Seine-Saint-Denis, France) Cahiers de géographie du Québec, Département de géographie de l'Université Laval, 2019, 63 (178), pp.65-77 

Brigitte Hallier-NaderLauriane PrandatoVirginie MobillionAudrey BochatonHélène Charreire et al.  Vieillissement de la population et ville durable : quels enjeux ? Pollution Atmosphérique : climat, santé, société, Le Kremlin Bicêtre : Revue Pollution atmosphérique, 2018, IV Habiter la ville : une qualité de vie 

Zoé VaillantMyriam BaronStéphane RicanAudrey BochatonHélène CharreireProjet tutoré et plateforme « géeodépistage » en géographie de la santé. Pourquoi ? Comment ? Pour qui ? Carnets de géographes, UMR 245 - CESSMA, 2017, ⟨10.4000/cdg.1174⟩

SERIE of Myriam Baron

Urban change and health-related behaviours
Urban change and health-related behaviours

The adaptation of vulnerable populations, and in particular everything related to access to the city for increasingly elderly populations.

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